Fan palm trees have an amazing appearance. Their (usually) green leaves often grow large in size and will create an exotic feeling. The popularity of this type of palm tree increases every year. Its low-maintenance character and the stunning appearance of the plant are contributing factors to this increase of popularity. In short, a great eye catcher for your home or garden.
Origin of fan palm trees
Fan palm trees are palm trees with hand-shaped lobbed leaves. The big difference compared to feather palm trees is that the leaves are circular shaped. Fan palm trees can be found in deserts, but also in completely opposite places, such as the Himalayas.
Taking care of your fan palm
It generally is important to keep the soil of a fan palm sufficiently moist, without drowning the roots. A general rule of thumb: water the plant every 5-6 days in summer. In winter, this is every 10 days. Dig around 5-10 cm in the soil - the soil should be moist. If it is (too) wet, or dry, change the watering habit.
Most fan palm trees prefer a sufficient amount of sun light. They can grow well indoors too, for example in front of a window at the southern side of your house. They can be placed in full sun when outdoors. Do keep in mind that not every palm tree is equally hardy. Some are not (completely) hardy, so protect them against (severe) frosts.
Various species of fan palms.
Fan palms are easily recognized due to their fan shaped leaves. In this group of plants you can find a lot of different fan palms with each its own characteristics. Below you can find various species of fan palm trees.
Are you looking for an eye catcher for your officer or interior? A fan palm is well suited. They are strong plants that are easily maintained. They prefer a spot with sufficient light, but check a palm tree's specifications before placing it in full sun light. Also keep your heaters in mind - the humidity around heaters is lower, which means that palm trees with lower water requirements are better suited. Give your palm enough water and occasionally fertilizer. Palm trees are strong plants that purify the air of the room they are placed it. You will likely feel less tired and will have a headache less often. Most palm trees enjoy the temperatures found indoors; 18-23 degrees are perfect for many.
Fan palm trees at MyPalmShop
Have you found a palm tree that fits your preferences? Order them simply via our webshop - as soon as you place your order we will start processing it. We arrange a quick and careful delivery of your fan palm tree and offer any information and tips you need for keeping your plant in good shape for as long as possible.