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Golden barrel cactus

Golden barrel cactus (Echinocactus) is an excellent choice if you are looking for a special indoor plant. Due to its round shape this cactus will definately be an eye catcher. Besides that, this cactus can bring colour to your home, as iot is a flowering species. Interested in the possibilities regarding this cactus? Take a quick look at the full assortment of MyPalmShop.

Echinocactus grusonii is endemic to east-central mexico. Despite that, it is a common plant in Europe. You can often find them in interiors. This is not only due to its looks, but also due to the ease of maintaining this cactus. As it originates in a rather dry locations, it can survive without much water. Reason enough to buy a golden barrel cactus.

Echinocactus grusonii in various sizes

Are you looking to buy a golden barrel cactus? If so, then you will quickly discover the various sizes offered at MyPalmShop. For example, you can reguarly find golden barrel cacti with pot sizes of Ø 25 cm, Ø 28 cm or Ø 32 cm. 

This can affect the general height of the cactus. The bigger the pot, the more space for the cactus to grow in. If you choose a pot size of Ø 32 cm, then the cactus generally grows up to 35 cm high. A golden barrel cactus with a pot size of Ø 25 cm generally does not grow over the height of 25 cm.

What do you need to keep in mind?

If you are looking to buy a golden barrel cactus, you will have to keep a few things in mind. For example, it is important that you put the cactus on the right spot. It prefers a sunny location - just as it grows in full sun in its original habitat. In addition, it is important not to water the plant too much, as it prefers drought. If you place the cactus outside, make sure to protect it during frost, as it is not frost resistant.

Buy your golden barrel cactus at MyPalmShop

Are you looking for a golden barrel cactus? You could take a look at the garden centre in your area. The downside of this is that you have to head out for this. You can instead easily order it online at MyPalmShop. After ordering the cactus online, it will be delivered to you as soon as possible. MyPalmShop will also ensure a proper packing of the cactus to make sure it does not get damaged during transit. A golden barrel cactus will be delivered to your home in good shape.