Magnolia grandiflora Nannetensis is a large-flowered old cultivar from France which often has extra petals making it look like it is doubled flowered. One of the first bloomers as a young plant. Magnolia grandiflora Nannetensis also goes under the name Magnolia grandiflora Double Nantais.
The leaves are evergreen, medium to dark green, strong and leathery, with undersides covered with rust brown indumentum. It grows quickly; 30-40 cm (12-18 inches) per year. Pruning is not recommended, but if you have a small garden, and need to, do this after the frost in the early spring. If the branch has a flower bud, only cut it after the flower has faded.
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English name
Magnolia grandiflora Double Nantais, bull bay magnolia
Total height
40+ cm
Ø 17 cm
Winter hardiness
Fully hardy
Water moderately
Light sun/light shade
Magnolia grandiflora nannentensis
Shipping weight
2.8 kg