This Caryota can tolerate some light frosts but in my opinion it is better to keep this palm above 0 degrees celsius. Natural habitat is tropical rainforests from India through to south-east Asia.
It is a clustering palm, which can form a clump up to 8 metres. Each trunk produces flowers for several seasons, starting from the top of the trunk and moving downwards, but then dies after its final seeding.
This attractive palm prefers a shaded, well drained position. It doesn't like full sun and being tropical, it also doesn't like to get too dry.
Watch out: The fruit contain crystal oxalate which is an irritant to eyes and skin.
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Total height
200+ cm
Ø 33 cm
Winter hardiness
Protect from 0°C
Water moderately
Light sun/light shade
Suitable for indoors
Shipping weight
35 kg