Why are the leaves of my indoor plants turning yellow?

Why are the leaves of my indoor plants turning yellow?


You love your indoor plants. They add some green to your interior and create a relaxing environment. Unfortunately, you may eventually notice your plants’ leaves turning yellow. You may worry about the reasons for this change in colour. MyPalmShop will name some of the most common reasons for why the leaves are turning yellow, and what you can do to solve it.

Insufficient water

The first thing you should check when you see the leaves, is the amount of water provided. It may be possible you have not watered your plant sufficiently. Plants need water to survive, and a lack of water might cause yellowing – and eventually withering - of the leaves. Make sure to keep the soil humid – and try to avoid being too irregular with watering. In addition, avoid overwatering, as this may lead to problems such as root rot.


Although a lack of water can cause yellowing of the leaves, providing too much water can be equally damaging. Overwatering can cause root rot, which prevents the plant from absorbing nutrients, which in turn will cause the leaves to turn yellow. Make sure that you use pots that have good drainage – either by having a pot with holes or use clay growing stones – so that surpluses of water can be removed. Finally, it is important to understand your plants and their watering needs. Some plants require less water than others. Keep that in mind when watering your plants.

Lack of nutrients

Perhaps the most common of causes for yellow leaves is the lack of nutrients. Plants need specific minerals and nutrients to stay healthy. A lack of these will cause the leaves to yellow as well. Poor soil or a lack of fertilizer will cause a mineral deficiency. Consider fertilizing your plants with a balanced fertilizer to ensure they remain healthy and well-fed.

Change of environment

Plants can be sensitive to changes to their surrounding, which may cause yellow leaves or the leaves dropping. If you have recently moved your plant to a new location, or if the temperature and/or air humidity changes, your plant’s health might be affected. Keep your plants in a stable environment and avoid sudden (large) changes that might cause stress.

Healthy plants and greenery

If the leaves of your indoor plant turn yellow, there could be multiple reasons. It is important to check your if you water your plant correctly. Keep your plant fed with fertilizer and keep the plant’s environment stable. By paying attention to these and, when necessary, take measures, you will be able to keep your plants healthy and green. MyPalmShop, with our large range of exotic plants and trees, can help you with finding the right additions to your plant collection. Our quick shipping within the entire EU will ensure you to receive your plants as quickly as possible!

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