How to take care of Cycas revoluta

How to take care of Cycas revoluta


Cycas revoluta, also known as the sago palm, is a popular indoor plant due to its exotic appearance and easy maintenance. Despite that, you may have some questions about this plant, for example about yellow leaves or how much water to provide. We would like to help you take care of the sago plant Below, you can find a multitude of tips, so you can ensure the best looks and care for Cycas revoluta!

Cycas revoluta yellow leaves

Cycas revoluta would like to have sufficient light, although indirect. Avoid direct sunlight during the hottest hours of the day. Place Cycas revoluta at a spot with a lot of light, such as near a window on the east or west. If your plant is placed in too dark of a spot, its leaves might yellow and eventually even die off. Cycas revoluta with yellow leaves is less appealing than with a healthy green look. If necessary, relocate your Cycas revoluta to a better location.

Watering Cycas revoluta

This plant needs a somewhat humid soil, so it is best to occasionally provide water. Apply water as soon as the upper layer of the soil feel dry. Do not give too much water, however, as that might drown the plant and cause root rot.

The right fertilizer

Cycas revoluta needs regular fertilizing. Use a slow release with sufficient nitrogen. This is especially important in Spring and summer. During Autumn and Winter, you can lower the amount of fertilizer provided.


This plant prefers a high enough humidity, so it is best to spray its leaves with a plant spray once in a while. This way, the leaves remain healthier and will not dry out. In addition, it is a good way to remove dust and dirt off the leaves.


Cycas revoluta does not have to be repotted often, but make sure it has enough room in its pot to develop more roots. Report the plant every few years during Spring, when it wakes up from winter and starts growing again. This also makes it easier to care for the plant.


If your plant becomes too large, it is possible to prune it. Remove the oldest leaves, but keep at least three layers on the trunk. Use a clean and sharp pruning shears to remove the leaves. This stimulates new growth of leaves and helps the plant remain healthy.

Taking care of Cycas revoluta according MyPalmShop

Summarised, we can say that taking care of Cycas revoluta is relatively easy. In addition, it is a beautiful plant to behold as well! It is import to keep it on a spot with sufficient light and to provide enough water and fertilizer. Keep the humidity up by spraying it with a plant spray, and report where necessary to ensure the best growth of Cycas revoluta. At MyPalmShop, you can find a large range of Cycas revoluta plants and accessories to help you get the most out of plants at home. Good luck with taking care of your very own Cycas revoluta.

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