Controlling the most common pests and diseases for indoor plants

Controlling the most common pests and diseases for indoor plants


Indoor plants are an amazing addition to any interior. They improve the air quality, decrease stress and add a hint of green to your home. Unfortunately, some indoor plants can run into problems with common diseases and pests, such as spotted leaves, mites and (woolly) aphids. In this blog, we would like to discuss some of the most common pests and diseases and how to take care of them.

Indoor plants with spotted leaves

Spotted leaves are a common problem for indoor plants that can affect many different plants. They are mostly caused by fungi, and they lead to brown or black spots on the leaves of your plants. If left untreated, it may affect a larger area and cause your plant to weaken and eventually even cause death. Fortunately, there are various things you can do to help your plants. Firstly, remove affected areas, ensure a good air circulation around your plants and provide enough water and nutrients. In more severe cases, disease control could offer a solution. Good hygiene is important to prevent spread the spread of spotted leaves.

Red spider mites

Red spider mites are small arachnids that feed with plant sap. They are quite difficult to see with the naked eye, but can easily be recognized by the webs they produce between the leaves of the plant. An effective method to control spider mites is cleaning your plant and soil with water, and then spray your plant with a solution of water and dishwashing soap. If the spider mites persist, you can use more professional pest control, for example the ones available at MyPalmShop.


Aphids are small arachnids that also feed with plant sap and can spread quickly. They can cause discolouration and deforming of the leaves of a plant. The best way to control these pests is simply by washing them off with water and then applying a solution of water and neem oil. Neem oil is a natural pest control that is safe for plants and effective against aphids.

Woolly aphids

Woolly aphids are small arachnids that look like small, white balls and that feed with plant saps. They can also lead to colouration and eventually even the death of a plant if not treated. An effective way to mitigate woolly aphids is by washing them off with water and spraying with a solution of water and spiritus. If the woolly aphids prove to be persistent, you can also use more professional pest control.


Thrips are small, winged insects that also feed with plant saps and are most commonly found on flowering plants. They can lead to discolouration and death of leaves and flowers. The best way to deal with thrips is by spraying them off with water and then to apply a solution of water and green soap. Of course, pest control is always an option if they once again persist.

Pest control at MyPalmShop

Controlling pests can be a challenge, but it is important to act as soon as possible before they spread and cause severe damage. Most small infestations cause little damage – severe damage only occurs when left untreated for too long. Check your plants for pests regularly to ensure a good health for your plants. Applying the right pest control can help your plants remain healthy and good-looking. If you are looking for healthy and high quality plants, we recommend checking the assortment at MyPalmShop. You can find a large selection of plants and the recommended accessories. With the right care, you can keep your plants vigorous and healthy, so you can enjoy them for as long as possible.

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