Caring for Yucca rostrata: tips and advice

Caring for Yucca rostrata: tips and advice


Yucca rostrata, also known as palm lily, is a highly ornamental plant that is native to the Chihuahua desert in Mexico and the US. It is getting increasingly popular among gardeners due to its unique and fantastic trunk. In addition, it is very strong and resilient. Are you interested in this plant? MyPalmShop is happy to tell you all about Yucca rostrata and will provide you tips and advice.

Light and location

Yucca rostrata is a sun-loving plant that thrives in clear sunlight. It is ideally placed where it can receive about 6 hours of sunlight per day. If you keep the plant in full sun during the warm summer months, its leaves will turn more blue. This blue layer is a wax layer. Yucca rostrata produces this wax layer as a protection against sunburn. It grows well in a container as well as in a pot, as long as the soil is well drained and not too wet. This is particularly important in winter.


Yucca rostrata does not require a lot of water and can thrive in dry circumstances. It is important to water the plant sufficiently, especially in the growth seasons (Spring and Summer) to enhance growth. We recommend deep watering – do not water often, but water a good amount in a single go. By letting the roots dry up between watering moments, you prevent root rot and allow the palm lily to grow better. Make sure to decrease the watering during winter, as the plant is ‘hibernating’.

Fertilizer and nutrients

Yucca rostrata does not require a lot of nutrients, but it never hurts to provide fertilizer occasionally. We recommend fertilizing once during Spring with a fertilizer that is meant for cacti and succulents. Slow release palm fertilizer works too, but half the dosage. Overfertilizing can lead to growth problems or damage to the roots. Always follow the instructions for fertilizers properly.


Yucca rostrata Does not require regular pruning. It has a slender, straight trunk and does not produce any long shoots. You can prune the plant if it grows too large. You can also prune the dead or old leaves. Use a sharp knife or cutting shears and ensure these are clean before using. That way, you prevent the spread of diseases. Avoid pruning during winter, when the plant is not growing. Wounds recover significantly slower in winter. It is possible to keep the dead leaves; these will form a skirt along the trunk of Yucca rostrata.


Yucca rostrata is a hardy plant that can easily withstand cold temperatures. It is important, however, to protect the plant against humidity during winter. It can be quite vulnerable to root rot in winter. We recommend protecting the plant against wet conditions by draining the soil properly and allowing sufficient air circulation around the plant. We do not recommend wrapping the plant in protection. You can build a small roof above the plant to protect it against rain, though.

Healthy and happy Yucca rostrata

Yucca rostrata is a beautiful plant that is relatively easy to maintain. It is important to provide sufficient sunlight, well drained soil and not too much water. It does not need a lot of nutrients, but can occasionally be fertilized with a cactus fertilizer. Pruning is generally not necessary, but dead leaves can be cut off. The plant is fully hardy, as long as it is protected against too much water. By following these tips and advices, you can ensure that your Yucca rostrata remains healthy and happy.

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