Weather articles

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Weather articles

How good it is to garden and how good it is to enjoy life in the garden! Here we feel closer to nature. It is good to follow the cycle of life and keep pace with changes over the seasons, so that we become aware of weather conditions and their effect on growth and development. Extremes of dryness, humidity, frost or heat can even disturb plants. That's why we like to observe as a gardener and help the plant with small interventions over the seasons. Our online store helps with this!

Gardening all year round

By measuring, observing well and through experience, you can predict weather events. A handy device for testing soil quality is a soil tester. You measure both soil moisture content and temperature, but also the pH value, and even the brightness level. Measuring moisture is not only important in times of drought. A land that can not free itself from excess water is a real problem! So, make sure you are well aware of the conditions surrounding your plants using the weather articles available on our shop.